Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

Reader Suite for Raspberry Pi

The latest version of the Reader Suite is now available for Raspberry Pi with Raspbian.

The Screenshot:

Now you have the possibility to use a Raspberry Pi with a RF-Embedded Reader as a complete RFID Desktop.

Get the new Reader Suite for Raspbian from the RF-Embedded download server.

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Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013

UHF RFID Temperature Integration

RF-Embedded releases updates for all tools:
  • PUR Reader Firmware v2.04
  • SDK v1.09
  •  Reader Suite 1.61.24c

PUR Reader Firmware v2.04
The major change of the PUR Reader Firmware is the implementation of a Custom-Tag-Command, which allows you to send any custom commands to the tag. This is especially needed for the new tag generations that offer special functions like temperature sensor.

SDK v1.09

The new version of the C# SDK integrates a test implementation of the Custom-Tag-Command for the tags AMS SL900A and EM 4325.

Reader Suite 1.61.24c
The latest release of the Reader Suite includes the new features for the tags AMS SL900A and the EM 4325. Now you can directly measure the temperature of these two tags with the Reader Suite. For both tags live temperature plots are used to show the measured values.

Get the new Reader Suite and SDK from the RF-Embedded download server.

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Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

New Firmware v2.01 for PUR Reader

With the latest version of the Reader Suite (1.61.23d) RF-Embedded released a new version of the PUR reader firmware. 

With the version v2.01 we implemented the following features:
  • Better Sensitivity for AS3992
  • Faster tag operation speed, when antenna power was on before
  • Improvements with population management with
    • Changeable Gen2-Session
    • Changeable Gen2-Q values
    • Changeable Q-adjust methods
    • Changeable count of inventories between a Gen2-Select

All the new features were also integrated in the Reader Suite:

With this new features you can easily manage big tag populations.

Get the new Reader Suite from the RF-Embedded download server.

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Freitag, 28. Juni 2013

UHF RFID Reader for the Raspberry Pi

The following tutorial shows, how to use a UHF RFID reader with a Raspberry Pi.

Hardware checklist:

  • Raspeberry PI
  • SD-Card with Raspbian Wheezy installed
  • PUR-Dongle-100U or any RF-Embedded reader

Here is the setup:

To test the interface to the RFID reader, we just create a tunnel from the RFID reader to a PC. Therefore we use the tool socat, but first things first.

When we boot up the Raspbian, we can see in the log, that the PUR-Dongle-100U is automatically detected and attached as ttyACM0:
Output of  ls /dev

So now we have the device attached, we need to forward it. This can be done by the tool socat, which is not installed by default. So we have to load it:
sudo apt-get install socat

After this is done, we can use socat to open the device and forward it directly to a TCP port, so that we can communicate with it. Therefore we can use the following command:
socat TCP-LISTEN:52460,fork  /dev/ttyACM0,raw,echo=0

The next step is to open the TCP port with the Reader Suite:
Open the reader from the Raspberry IP and the specified port 52460

With pressing OK the socket will be opened … et voilà

Now we can start detecting tags.

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